Revoluční Česká AI pro Architekty

Soustřeďte se na architekturu a design. Zapomeňte na zdlouhavou a časově náročnou práci s detaily, jako je realistická tráva, postavy nebo další drobné prvky, které vás jen zdržují. S naším AI nástrojem zvládnete vše rychle, snadno a bez kompromisů v kvalitě. Naše AI řešení vám zajistí profesionální vizualizace rychle a snadno.

✨ Vylepšení renderů

✨ Zvýšení rozlišení až 4K

✨ Ze skicy do realistického renderu

✨ Moodboard render

✨ Obrázek nábytku do 3D modelu

✨ Nech se inspirovat

100% garance spokojenosti

Ultimatní nástroje & funkce, které Vám raketovou rychlostí změní Váš život

Vytvořte realistické rendery

Okamžité vylepšení a výšení rozlišení až na 4K.

Brainstormujte nápady

Trápíte se s designem? My Vám pomůžeme!

Nástroj vše v jednom.

Mnoho dalších nástrojů, které Vám zjednoduší profesní život.

Ultimatní nástroje & funkce, které Vám raketovou rychlostí změní Váš život

Vytvořte realistické rendery

Instantně zvyšte realističnost a zvyšte rozlišení na 4K jednoduchých rendrů z Lumionu, D5 renderu či twinmotionu

Brainstormujte nápady

Trápíte se s designem? My Vám pomůžeme!

Nástroj vše v jednom.

Mnoho dalších nástrojů, které Vám zjednoduší profesní život.

Keep your body and mind healthy in a modern way

It allows users to track data, such as volume, time, weight, and goals, to compare their progress. Acting as a type of digital workout journal, this app helps you log workouts and utilize helpful graphs.

The app also allows users to create their own custom workout plans, down to the number of sets & reps for everyone, from beginner level.

Fitness tracker that can help you reach your goals

Strong workout tracker is for those who mean business and have been working out long enough to know exactly what they want

  • Free version can save unlimited workouts & custom routines
  • Track progress with graphs and automatically back up data
  • Connect easily with instructor for tips, feedback and support

Keep your body and mind healthy in a modern way

It allows users to track data, such as volume, time, weight, and goals, to compare their progress. Acting as a type of digital workout journal, this app helps you log workouts and utilize helpful graphs.

The app also allows users to create their own custom workout plans, down to the number of sets & reps for everyone, from beginner level.

Fitness tracker that can help you reach your goals

Strong workout tracker is for those who mean business and have been working out long enough to know exactly what they want

  • Free version can save unlimited workouts & custom routines
  • Track progress with graphs and automatically back up data
  • Connect easily with instructor for tips, feedback and support

Start keeping your body and mind healthy

Start keeping your body and mind healthy

Start keeping your body and mind healthy

Start keeping your body and mind healthy

Start keeping your body and mind healthy

Start keeping your body and mind healthy

Start keeping your body and mind healthy

Start keeping your body and mind healthy

Start keeping your body and mind healthy

Start keeping your body and mind healthy

Ultimate method & amazing features to change your life

Custom workout plans

Snaga is fully customizable workout app. Whether you do weightlifting, physical etc.

Clearing meditation

A highly accessible meditation that will create more clarity & space in the body.

Daily fitness challenges

Snaga gives you achieve a specific goal with a specific exercise for daily activities.

Ultimate method & amazing features to change your life

Custom workout plans

Snaga is fully customizable workout app. Whether you do weightlifting, physical etc.

Clearing meditation

A highly accessible meditation that will create more clarity & space in the body.

Daily fitness challenges

Snaga gives you achieve a specific goal with a specific exercise for daily activities.

People all over the world use snaga for their fitness

Great value home exercise 💪🏼

I was recommended snaga from a dear friend and WOW!!! Gives energy, strength & mostly your motivation and you helped me grow beyond my expectations.

Karen Lynn

Founder @ Company

Such a wonderful fitness app ❤

Such a wonderful fitness plan! Someone who trains regularly but does not have any access to equipment, this plan has been a lifesaver. You don’t need anything 

Dianne Russell


Love the home fitness tips

After a hiatus from the gym I needed some encouragement to help me get my confidence needed some encouragement to back😍

Marvin McKinney

College Student

I can honestly say that I’ve enjoyed

oth the workouts and the delicious receipts are easy to follow and to finish. It’s great to be part of a community.These times when so much has changed❤

Ronald Richards


10/10 would recommend👌🏼

The workouts are fun to do but still make you sweat! I’m so grateful for the two of you for starting  grateful for this amazing app️

Kristin Watson

Social Influencer

Just completed week 3 and love the app

As someone who has not exercised for a few years, it is great to be getting back into it with such and nd my family are loving it too!Wonderful job guys 😍

Guy Hawkins

Web Developer

People all over the world use snaga for their fitness

Great value home exercise 💪🏼

I was recommended snaga from a dear friend and WOW!!! Gives energy, strength & mostly your motivation and you helped me grow beyond my expectations.

Karen Lynn

Founder @ Company

Such a wonderful fitness app ❤

Such a wonderful fitness plan! Someone who trains regularly but does not have any access to equipment, this plan has been a lifesaver. You don’t need anything 

Dianne Russell


Love the home fitness tips

After a hiatus from the gym I needed some encouragement to help me get my confidence needed some encouragement to back😍

Marvin McKinney

College Student

I can honestly say that I’ve enjoyed

oth the workouts and the delicious receipts are easy to follow and to finish. It’s great to be part of a community.These times when so much has changed❤

Ronald Richards


10/10 would recommend👌🏼

The workouts are fun to do but still make you sweat! I’m so grateful for the two of you for starting  grateful for this amazing app️

Kristin Watson

Social Influencer

Just completed week 3 and love the app

As someone who has not exercised for a few years, it is great to be getting back into it with such and nd my family are loving it too!Wonderful job guys 😍

Guy Hawkins

Web Developer

Ultimate method & amazing features to change your life

The fitness builder app lets you create your own workouts based on your goals. Download on any device and keep yourself healthy.

Ultimate method & amazing features to change your life

The fitness builder app lets you create your own workouts based on your goals. Download on any device and keep yourself healthy.